2022 AGM Minutes
PRESIDENT: Barbara Payne
Wednesday 30TH NOVEMBER 2022 AT 8.00PM
1. The President declared the meeting open AT 8pm and said that the notice convening the
meeting had been sent to all member clubs on 30th October 2022. delegates were in attendance.
2. Minutes Silence
A minutes silence was observed by the meeting for all members who have passed away in the period since the last AGM which was held in 2019 due to the pandemic.
3. Opening Address
President Barbara Payne thanked everyone for their support during the last season and thanked Heathfield for hosting the Bowls finals weekend. She has enjoyd her ye3ar on office and looks forward to the forthcoming season.
4. Apologies for Absence
5. Minutes of AGM held on 30th November 2021 (distributed)
No comments – Proposed by Griff Jenkins (Wandilea) Seconded Wendy Davidson (South London)
6. Matters Arising
The new bank account is finally open and payments can be made directly into it.
7. Correspondence
1 received this year and discussed, matter closed.
8. Hon. Secretary’s Report
Thank you everyone for your support this year, thanks to the other members of the committee for all their hard work this year. Nothing really to report this year.
9. Hon Treasurer’s Report
As above we finally have a new bank account, payments can be made directly into this with an indication of club paying and reason i.e affiliation, comps etc.
10. Hon. League Secretary’s Report
Leagues run well this year and any issues were dealt with swiftly.
Congratulations to Streatham Park for winning weekend league.
12. Hon. Competition Secretary’s Report
Thank you to Heathfield for hosting our bowls finals weekend, like all best laid plans and a packed weekend schedule with the sad passing of our Queen it meant that the National Finals were impacted as some of our finalists were involved in the finals in Leamington, unbeknown to me changes had been made to the schedule so that I could attend the last day of the Nationals to support my club members in the Nation Mixed 4s which they went on to win…also meant that a couple of finals were delayed and thank you to everyone involved in allowing this to happen, not everyday we get National winners in the district.
13. Vote of thanks to Retiring Officers.
Secretary Nickie Jenkins passed on her thanks for the work of the committee, after a difficult couple of years we couldn’t run this association without the support of everyone involved..
14 Election of Officers
The committee that was willing to continue was voted en bloc.
With Barbara Payne (Heathfield) taking over as Past President, and Barry Willingham (Wimbledon Park) moving to President. Election of new presidential officers are as follows Chris Jenkins (Wandilea) Senior Vice President, Vacant Junior Vice President.
The remainder of the committee is as follows:- Nickie Jenkins (Wandilea) Secretary, Richard Foot (Wimbledon Park) Treasurer, Nickie Jenkins (Wandilea) Competition Secretary.
For all attendees.
16. Close of Meeting
Meeting was closed at 20.25pm